16.3.18   (Redigerad 23.5.18)   |   Evenemang
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Minorities and Migration – Cooperation for Integration

Nu har vi publicerat programmet för Kulturfondens årliga seminarium om språkliga minoritetsfrågor. Välkommen att anmäla dig till vårt seminarium i Bryssel torsdagen den 31 maj 2018.

Seminariets tema – Minorities and Migration – berör oss alla, men är särskilt lämpligt för dig som till exempel är beslutsfattare, jobbar inom organisationsfältet eller är intresserad av integrationsfrågor.

Att delta i seminariet är gratis och vi bjuder också på en seminarielunch. Deltagarna står själva för resor och eventuella övernattningskostnader.

Seminariespråket är engelska. Här kan du bekanta dig med seminarieprogrammet.


Minorities and Migration – Cooperation for Integration

31 May 2018  at 10 am – 4 pm
Renaissance Brussels Hotel
Rue du Parnasse 19, Brussels, Belgium

The large migration flows in Europe have changed our reality. Integration is a two-way process, where everybody involved has to adapt to the habits and values of others. There are a lot of challenges but also wonderful opportunities.

We want to highlight the important theme of integration – specifically migrants integrating in a minority language. The citizens of language minorities often have a good appreciation for other minorities. They know that attitudes, understanding and collaboration are key words. It is all about people meeting and sharing their daily life. How can we help to build a more tolerant society? What actions are there to take?

There are many voices in integration policies and views as to when an individual has become integrated. What is actually meant by integration? In Finland, integration is measured primarily in terms of labour policy measures, while indicators at EU level, as well as the national and local level, also take up other aspects such as participation, mutual trust, social relations, security, and stability. How could these aspects be promoted? It is said that integration involves two or several processes, but very little focus has been on how people who are already living in the country become integrated.

The seminar provides an arena for constructive and inspiring discussion between European policy makers and people working with language minority issues throughout Europe. A number of distinguished speakers will share their research and best practices. The seminar programme will be distributed shortly.


Welcome to Brussels in May!
Svenska kulturfonden – Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland

Feel free to share the invitation within your networks.

Registrations by 24 May on http://registration.kulturfonden.fi.

Minorities and Migration – Cooperation for Integration